31 August 2010

Results Day

Well well well, dreaded results day arrived, finally! The cake which accompanies this post was originally made for a friends birthday but she cancelled at the last minute (literally as I was about to leave) which then gave me the puzzle of what to do with the cake? You see, it was very nice if I may say so myself, a chocolate cake, with chocolate buttercream then topped with triple chocolate chip cookies and toffee popcorn cookies. Very nice but just a little too sickly to eat on my own... So, i brough it to results day a couple of days later much to everyines euphoria and was soon demolished by everyine there. So this one isn't much of a beauty but certainly tasted rather good...


Aha, I have just noticed that i might have accidentally forgotten to publish the photos of the camping cake, sorry! So here they are, hope they were worth the wait!

16 August 2010

Happy Campers

Well, my latest cake is for my friend's 15th birthday. She has completed the 35mile 10tors with me which should hopefully explain why the lovely lady is sat outside a tent. And just for those beady-eyed fer who were wondering, the hoodie is supposed to say mollucs, instead of mollusc, when we had our 'real life' hoodies made for the event some how hers ended up with the spelling mistake; surprisingly, it wasn't me who ordered them...

8 August 2010

And it happens again.... you shall soon learn not to be surprised, no matter how hard I try...

So, not wishing to sound like a stuck record, I am SO SORRY that I have not posted in so long. But, you see, there has been nothing particurally going on in the cake front with the exception on chocolate chip cookies, flap jack and some biscuits but the all disappeared far too quickly from out kitchen for a photo to be eaten. Oops, see what I mean, the meer mentioning of chocolate chip cookies has me drooling and fills my mind with such sumptuous thoughts that ideas to do with eating simply emanate from me and I refer to pictures being eaten as opposed to taken... Well...
On a brighter note of the cake front, I will be doing a lot very soon including one to look like a chocolate chip cookie! What could get better! So I shall very soon be able to bring those new images to the world as long as I don't break the computer before that happens... Ah well, we can all live in hope I suppose.
And one final thing before I go, I am going to make a huge effort to try and improve my spellings on this blog as it appears that whenever I type it all goes to pot.