17 April 2010

Hello Kitty

Well then, here is my latest cake to look like Hello Kitty. Personally, I loved doing the whiskers, covering dried spaghetti in black food colouring was brillo but it is all over my fingers and I have a feeling it may take a while to get rid of! :D

5 April 2010

Cake, cake, cake

Well, as I said in my previous blog, which I published only yesterday aren't you lucky I'm spending my time here, the supposed purpose of this blog is to show off my cakes so here are the latest creations.

The first I spent ages piping the Liverpool logo onto the top and got VERY irritated with it as the nozzle kept popping off of the end of the bag. I have to admit I don't thiink I'd go through that again without a very large fee!

And the next, I hope you can see without me telling you or I haven't done a very good job, is an Oreo! I have to admit, I just love making cakes that look like other foods! But this is not just any old cake, this is a chocolate cake covered in chocolate buttercream and fondant icing but with an Oreo cream filling, just brilliant! Shame I won't get to eat it!

4 April 2010

thank god for holidays

Well I am soooo sorry but it has been rather a long time since I sat down and did this :( but hey I'm here now so here goes.

You see, I was thinking the other day, can you imagine if there was no such thing as work, you could just do what yuo want when you want. now I know your just going to say that the rich already do that but really, imagine if you never 'had' to do anything, just free time constantly. No need to cook, no need to clean, jut whatever and whenever you want. To be honest, it would be awful, what would you do with yourself? There would be no need for anything so I don't think I would ever end up doing anything, life would be so dull.

So back to the title of this blog, thank god it is the holidays and I have a bit of free time just to chill, which is why I decided to do this :) .

Another thing I ruminated over (as you can see I got very bored in english) was the purpose of this blog. I have to be truthful, I first set it up because my dear friend had a blog, so I had to have one too but it wasn't as easy as that, I had to think of a title. That sounds easy but is infact actually quite difficult and which also explains why the web address has absoloutely nothing to do with my title as I changed my mind at a later date, oops! I thought I might explain that 'Sweet as Pie' is my cake decorating business so I thought I might publish photos etc just to drum up some interest. However, it seems that I also tend to get distracted from that purpose and sway into blogs like these, oh well life goes on.

So there you go, I had some spare time and I filled it :)