17 May 2010

Well hello there

Well hello there. I am ever so sorry it has been such a long space of time since my last ramble, though its probably a good thing as no one has to endure my waffling on about nothing in particular...
But hey ho, here I am once more and I am very sorry to admit that little has occured on the cake front recently. Admitedly, I have made to over the past weeks but both were rather boring simply with happy birthday messages and balloons on them, really not very interesting! I think that the wold can survive without pictorial evidence.
However, things are about to look brighter again though why does everything always have to happen at once? Suddenly, out of nowhere, I have two cakes one day after the other! Ah well, suppose it means I get to eat more leftovers, so I shouldn't complain! I will try and update as soon as possible to upload images of the creme egg cake and the mostache cake as soon as possible, that is if all goes well! I have my lovely boyfrind to help me with the creme egg cake, so hopefully it will be a suceess. Though, havong watched him load a dishwasher, I'm unsure if releasing his culinary abilities on a cake is wise? Perhaps he will be relegated to washing up...
Well, I shall let you know as soon as I can and try not to leave so long between posts this time!