26 November 2010

Its all art darling

Well, well, well, hmm, i'm sure I seem to start all of my blogs with that? heigh ho, it just seems a nice freindly way to introduce something as oppsed to the oppresive style I have to use in my essays at school. So anyway, without wandering willy nilly into stories from school, here is my latest cake. And woe betid me to ask peole to order them nicely, say once every couple of weeks, nope of course they all have to come at once but there we go I suppose that is how life goes. This artist palette is for the mother of a very lovely lady called Ruth and I feel it sensible to assume that the birthday girl likes art... and chocolate cake?

21 November 2010

A Wonderul Journey...

So. A bit of background I am thinking: I first stared decorating cakes for my skill for my Duke of Edinburgh's Award, hence the creation of this blog. However, for my services section of the DofE, I volunteer at the local Brownie pack; I have been doing this for nearly two years now. Anyway, at Brownies we had a mad Hatter's Tea Party, and I could not resist making an alice in Wonderland cake, so here it is...

Children in Need

Well, this cake, at the dear mother's suggestion, was made for children in need. We did a raffle, at 20p a ticket to decide who won the cake and I am very proud to say that it raised a fantastic £100!

12 November 2010

Camoflague, is that how you spell it?

This is my latest creation, an army and camaflage themed cake.

2 November 2010

Scary Days

My gosh, i just cannot cope with the scaryness of halloween and I'm being serious... Let me explain, as a child I enjoyed trick or treating, just completley missed the point. I came dressed as a fairy and said pretty please... So now, there I was, at work on halloween and the place had been 'spooked up' with cobwebs. The most exciting part however was the tatoos which we were all given (just the ones that last a couple of days) that looked like scratches from a werewolf, I very excitedly plastered them all over me. Anyway, back to the point, I though I would make halloween a little more cheerful for all with my freindly pumpkin cake. I have named him Paul.

13 October 2010

No Girls Allowed!

Anyone might think I was detemined to give the birthday girl a heart attack: a layer of Yourie bars, cream and malteser filling, chcolate cake, cream and minstrel filling, chcolate cake and chocolate butter icing.... Well, I must say it tased rather good, though I don't think I will be needing to eat again for a week...

Eating with Chopsticks...

Thankfully, the chopsticks on this cake are edible or I think there would have been a big mess trying to eat it... Well, I just LOVE cakes that looklike other foods and I think that this one has to be one of my absolute favourites! even the little pieces of sushi have cake in them as well as the icing! To make it even better, it was chocolate cake as somehow I think fish flavoured cake would not have gone down very well at the party...

A Golden Year

My friend's Nan ordered this cake for her golden wedding anniversary. Thankfully, she preordered way in advance (infact, i think it was first mentioned eight months early...) as they wanted fruit cake which of course has to be left to mature. Finally, I have some room in my cupboards again now the fruit cake has gone!

Something Pretty

Naww, thats all I can say I think. Its not very often that I get to make a pretty cake but I have to say, I really enjoyed it! So to all the girls out there, please, ask for something pretty!

The World is Your Oyster...

I really liked the message behind this cake. Lucy, who it was for, was turning 18 and preparing to go on a gap year after leaving school. I however, love the idea that she is now ready to go out and do anyting she wants too, including stuffing her face with a lovely, squidgey chocolate cake for her birthday...

Fabulously British

So, I have a friend. Ok, I hope that I have more than one but right now I am talkng about one particular frind. Anyway, this friend is obsessed, and when I say that I mean it, with Jack Wills. This explains why I made her a very special Jack Wills cake for her birthday, needless to say, she loved it!

31 August 2010

Results Day

Well well well, dreaded results day arrived, finally! The cake which accompanies this post was originally made for a friends birthday but she cancelled at the last minute (literally as I was about to leave) which then gave me the puzzle of what to do with the cake? You see, it was very nice if I may say so myself, a chocolate cake, with chocolate buttercream then topped with triple chocolate chip cookies and toffee popcorn cookies. Very nice but just a little too sickly to eat on my own... So, i brough it to results day a couple of days later much to everyines euphoria and was soon demolished by everyine there. So this one isn't much of a beauty but certainly tasted rather good...


Aha, I have just noticed that i might have accidentally forgotten to publish the photos of the camping cake, sorry! So here they are, hope they were worth the wait!

16 August 2010

Happy Campers

Well, my latest cake is for my friend's 15th birthday. She has completed the 35mile 10tors with me which should hopefully explain why the lovely lady is sat outside a tent. And just for those beady-eyed fer who were wondering, the hoodie is supposed to say mollucs, instead of mollusc, when we had our 'real life' hoodies made for the event some how hers ended up with the spelling mistake; surprisingly, it wasn't me who ordered them...

8 August 2010

And it happens again.... you shall soon learn not to be surprised, no matter how hard I try...

So, not wishing to sound like a stuck record, I am SO SORRY that I have not posted in so long. But, you see, there has been nothing particurally going on in the cake front with the exception on chocolate chip cookies, flap jack and some biscuits but the all disappeared far too quickly from out kitchen for a photo to be eaten. Oops, see what I mean, the meer mentioning of chocolate chip cookies has me drooling and fills my mind with such sumptuous thoughts that ideas to do with eating simply emanate from me and I refer to pictures being eaten as opposed to taken... Well...
On a brighter note of the cake front, I will be doing a lot very soon including one to look like a chocolate chip cookie! What could get better! So I shall very soon be able to bring those new images to the world as long as I don't break the computer before that happens... Ah well, we can all live in hope I suppose.
And one final thing before I go, I am going to make a huge effort to try and improve my spellings on this blog as it appears that whenever I type it all goes to pot.

27 June 2010

Happy 18th

Well, well, well, I am getting better about this whole blogging thins, I mean, I'm getting rather frequent with posts now; good times! Just thought I'd post a pic of a cake a did this week for someone's 18th birthday.

23 June 2010

A Trip to the Beach

Finally, I have been able to make cupcakes! I love the things but people just dont order them, I suppose there is nothing like a big slice of cake on your birthday but still... So I am very proud to present my 'under the sea' cupcakes. These are just the designs then I repeated them until I had 35 in all. Unfortunately I couldn't get a picture of a sea (no pun inteded) of them but ah well. I did go a little overboard (again, sorry about the feeble jokes) on the cake mixture and ended up with 71 cupcakes, far more than was needed so my friends at school had a very pleasant surprise today! I was pretty much drowning (sorry!) in the things!

So they were themed as such for my dearest little sister's 6th birthday who by chance had a school trip on the big day to the beach! All this, cakes, glorious weather, icecream, while I was stuck in a two hour long exam! Sometimes life just isn't fair!

14 June 2010

Father's Day

Ok, so I know these aren't exactly cakes but I did decorate them and just fancied showing off my efforts to you. These lovely, edible men were made for the local Brownie pack that I help at. I made 25 for the girls to decorate for Father's Day gifts but had to do a few example pieces. Personally I am loving the red lips!

5 June 2010

excuses, excuses...

Now I am seriously ever so sorry, I promised to keep my blogging silences short and I think I have let the side down on that one but I do have my reasons. Now I am not trying to give excuses but I kind of somehow broke my computer yet again, i swear they just dont like me and to make matters worse I recently broke my dear old mothers computer so I have been banned from its use incaes an episode like that occurs once more; oops. However, I have finally managed to find a moment to sneak on and shall publish the pictures I promed. Gosh, all this build up, I hope they are worth it! Ooh, one last thing, the mostache mysteriously turned into a horse but there we go, life goes on! Enjoy!

17 May 2010

Well hello there

Well hello there. I am ever so sorry it has been such a long space of time since my last ramble, though its probably a good thing as no one has to endure my waffling on about nothing in particular...
But hey ho, here I am once more and I am very sorry to admit that little has occured on the cake front recently. Admitedly, I have made to over the past weeks but both were rather boring simply with happy birthday messages and balloons on them, really not very interesting! I think that the wold can survive without pictorial evidence.
However, things are about to look brighter again though why does everything always have to happen at once? Suddenly, out of nowhere, I have two cakes one day after the other! Ah well, suppose it means I get to eat more leftovers, so I shouldn't complain! I will try and update as soon as possible to upload images of the creme egg cake and the mostache cake as soon as possible, that is if all goes well! I have my lovely boyfrind to help me with the creme egg cake, so hopefully it will be a suceess. Though, havong watched him load a dishwasher, I'm unsure if releasing his culinary abilities on a cake is wise? Perhaps he will be relegated to washing up...
Well, I shall let you know as soon as I can and try not to leave so long between posts this time!

17 April 2010

Hello Kitty

Well then, here is my latest cake to look like Hello Kitty. Personally, I loved doing the whiskers, covering dried spaghetti in black food colouring was brillo but it is all over my fingers and I have a feeling it may take a while to get rid of! :D

5 April 2010

Cake, cake, cake

Well, as I said in my previous blog, which I published only yesterday aren't you lucky I'm spending my time here, the supposed purpose of this blog is to show off my cakes so here are the latest creations.

The first I spent ages piping the Liverpool logo onto the top and got VERY irritated with it as the nozzle kept popping off of the end of the bag. I have to admit I don't thiink I'd go through that again without a very large fee!

And the next, I hope you can see without me telling you or I haven't done a very good job, is an Oreo! I have to admit, I just love making cakes that look like other foods! But this is not just any old cake, this is a chocolate cake covered in chocolate buttercream and fondant icing but with an Oreo cream filling, just brilliant! Shame I won't get to eat it!

4 April 2010

thank god for holidays

Well I am soooo sorry but it has been rather a long time since I sat down and did this :( but hey I'm here now so here goes.

You see, I was thinking the other day, can you imagine if there was no such thing as work, you could just do what yuo want when you want. now I know your just going to say that the rich already do that but really, imagine if you never 'had' to do anything, just free time constantly. No need to cook, no need to clean, jut whatever and whenever you want. To be honest, it would be awful, what would you do with yourself? There would be no need for anything so I don't think I would ever end up doing anything, life would be so dull.

So back to the title of this blog, thank god it is the holidays and I have a bit of free time just to chill, which is why I decided to do this :) .

Another thing I ruminated over (as you can see I got very bored in english) was the purpose of this blog. I have to be truthful, I first set it up because my dear friend had a blog, so I had to have one too but it wasn't as easy as that, I had to think of a title. That sounds easy but is infact actually quite difficult and which also explains why the web address has absoloutely nothing to do with my title as I changed my mind at a later date, oops! I thought I might explain that 'Sweet as Pie' is my cake decorating business so I thought I might publish photos etc just to drum up some interest. However, it seems that I also tend to get distracted from that purpose and sway into blogs like these, oh well life goes on.

So there you go, I had some spare time and I filled it :)

19 March 2010


Don't you just love that feeling, when you're really tired and you just sit down, then you feel the relief seeping through your legs? Well, here I am right now, with that feeling. Good times.
I suppose really I should got to bed. But that isn't going to happen quite yet. Not after just finishing work and muncing on flapjack. :)
Anyway, thats all I wanted to say really. I like sitting down after a long day!

15 March 2010

A Word Of Warning

Ok, I'm gonna tell a story:
Once upon a time some clever person invented the fence and everyone was very happy. You see, the fence was very useful: it could keep out people you didn't want to see, keep in mischevious children and lock them in school on a nice sunny day :( , you could hang clothes to dry on it and even grow roses on it.
But there was a problem, you see they are very hard to climb over. And this is where I utter my caution, don't do it!
Seriously, especially picket fences, they hurt! And big fences, they are a lot higher when you are stranded at the top!
So there you go, don't try to go over them, instead use something really useful called a gate.

7 March 2010

Ok, ok, ok; I think I have this all sorted out, so here goes!

I thought I'd start by showing off my lastest cake creation (and hopefully I can attach a photo!) made on Saturday for someone's birthday. A cute dog, in my opinion, with vikki sponge, jam and buttercream. Personally, chocolate cake is much better in my opinion, but hey ho, it wasn't for me!

25 February 2010

Well isn't this exciting! Hey to all those out there! Hmn, lets see how long this takes me to work out then!